
onsdag 21 oktober 2015

Slutsats - matte

Dividerar man ett tal med 0,5 så blir talet dubbelt så mycket.
Dividerar man ett tal med 0,1 blir talet 10ggr så mycket.
Dividerar man ett tal med 0,2 så blir talet 5ggr så mycket.

Multiplicerar man ett tal med 0,5 blir svaret hälften så mycket.
Multiplicerar man ett tal med 0,1 blir svaret 10ggr mindre.

Multiplicerar man två decimaltal med varandra blir svaret 10ggr mindre än vad det skulle ha varit om man räknar ut det med heltal.

tisdag 13 oktober 2015

My dream job

I’ve never thought of the jobs I could possibly work with because I haven’t really been interested of any usual jobs like teacher, vet, doctor, dentist or lawyer.
If I could choose any job I could work with, it would be a FBI spy.

As a spy, there is so much excitement and it kind of feels like you could never get tired of it, I mean, new cases, new mysteries and more action.
I suppose it takes a lot of work just to come there and then you can’t even be sure if your going to get fired after two seconds or not, but I would totally like to be one if I get the chance.

How to become a spy
If you are a spy you’ll have to have great qualities, like being brave, loyal, a great listener and stubborn. It will be really important to move quickly and be able to work undercover.
If you really want to become a spy you’ll have to be able to read lips, learn how to speak different languages, learn how to fight in case things break down, stay in shape and be athletic, learn how to lie and tell if someone is lying and also be charismatic.
After you’ve done all of that you’ll just have to join an Intelligence Organization and soon you will be undercover.

The education you’ll have to do before you become an spy is to be well educated, because they cant send someone who cant read or write very well to be a spy.
The CIA requires top grades and also that you are very intelligent.
You must be able to speak at least one language fluent; some of the most important languages to learn are German, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, French and some of the third world hotspots dialects.
You actually don’t need any military training before you apply to the job, however you will be spending time learning military intelligence.